Task 8.1: Decision making and internal communication


Activity title: 

Task 8.1: Decision making and internal communication

Activity description: 

The coordinator, UNITO, shall ensure good communication between the partners. Representatives of the partner organisations will sit in a Steering Committee that will be established at Kick-off meeting.

There will be also a High Steering Committee, composed by the WP leaders.
UNITO will organise yearly project meetings with all partners. The detailed agenda will be distributed at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
The SC consortium will meet once a year as follow:

Meeting - Date - Place - Host
Kick-off - M1 - Turin, Italy - UNITO
Management Meeting 1 (MM1) - M13 - Vienna, Austria - ISEKI/LVA
MM2 - M25 - Paris - ANIA
MM3 - M37 - Wageningen, Netherlands - WUR
MM4 - M45 - FIAB - Spain
Final conference in Brussels - M48 - FDE - Brussels

In addition, the HSC will meet also on M6, M18, M31 and M42, with only representatives of the WP leaders. Other partners are welcome to participate.
The HAB with representatives of COPA COGECA will participate to meetings in M13 and M45 upon invitation

In addition, a virtual conference call will be organised every 2 months to closely monitor the evolution of tasks and deliverables of the project, A detailed agenda, related to the current WP activities will be sent to partners at least 3 days before each virtual meeting by UNITO. WP leaders and Task leaders will contribute to the agenda. This meeting will aim at discussing pending tasks, tackling possible problems and collecting feedback from the partners on the progress of their tasks in the work packages currently under implementation.

It will be the duty of the WP leaders to organise separate virtual conferences to monitor and manage the undergoing activities and deliverable of their WP.
In the SC there is a contact person per partner who is responsible for the administrative and financial management and will support the Project Coordinator by reporting necessary information and by providing all documents required by the National agency according to the Erasmus+ projects rules of reporting. The High Steering Committee will manage the project with regards to the Quality Plan established in T6.1 and will act also as a Quality Committee.

A Consortium Agreement will be written by UNITO and approved by the entire consortium. It will establish the rules framing the functioning of the consortium as well as the decision making. The Consortium Agreement and the Quality Plan are binding for partners who shall enforce their requirements.

To ensure an efficient private communication amongst partners, a private Intranet section will be designed within the project website by UNITO, with the use of an open source CMS (content management system). The private area will contain, the updated contact list, a repository of tasks, activities and deliverables with their status and assignment to a partner, follow-up option of open tasks, an active calendar view, a space for document sharing and the option to download templates, guides, dissemination tools, etc. All deliverables will be stored there. There will also be a forum page reserved to the partners in order to keep in one place their reporting problems or issues that could arise during the project. In this way, everybody joining the conversation at a later stage will know the history behind the last post. The content management system will allow each partner to check his performance against the quality plan.

D8.1: Consortium Agreement (M1)
D8.2: Intranet CMS (M3)

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: