Task 8.2: Administrative and financial management


Activity title: 

Task 8.2: Administrative and financial management

Activity description: 

UNITO will ensure the efficient administrative, legal and financial management of the project. It will request information to the partners in order to prepare periodic financial reports, for checking the financial status of the activities and the money expenditure, also to fulfil what requested by the Agency in the grant agreement. There will be some virtual meetings to explain in detail the time-sheet compilation on the templates provided by the agency

To help partners in the financial management a dedicated tool will be provided in the intranet created in T8.1. All budget tables, budget repartition, tasks leaders, WP leaders and deliverables responsibles will be displayed directly on the page.

Each Task leader is responsible of the preparation of the associated deliverables of its task.

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: