Task 8.3: Progress monitoring and risk management


Activity title: 

Task 8.3: Progress monitoring and risk management

Activity description: 

The risk management plan will be provided by UNITO as a result of the discussion at the first kick off meeting.

The WP leaders will monitor each partner involved in their WP in term of performance and will ask the responsible partner to take actions to solve the issue. If the problem persists, the WP leader will report to the HSC, that will make a decision on how to address the issue.

UNITO will maintain close communication with each WP leader to ensure the tasks and deliverables are in line with the planning.

In addition, each partner will have a login into the intranet to check the activities he/she has to carry out, the status of the deliverables, to upload information about dissemination action, outcomes of the project, and activities carried out.

Unexpected risks may arise during the project lifetime. UNITO will be in-charge of the overall risk management plan and the High Steering Committee will be responsible for proactively managing the risks.

The risk management related tasks will be a part of the agenda of every Project meeting (both HSC and SC) in order to engage the consortium with potential risks and take corrective actions as soon as possible.

UNITO will communicate with the Agency, will invite the PO to the meeting and will providing technical and financial reports in due time

D8.3 progress reports (M1, M13, M25, M37, M46)

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: