WP4 - Implementation


Activity title: 

WP4 - Implementation

Activity description: 

This Work Package lead by AERES aims at putting into practice the training content created in WP3, through train-the-trainer and trainees pilots, and implementing the platform ade in T1.1
able to display all projects outputs in a friendly manner for future use and uptake at EU level.
This WP also contains the translation of all relevant materials that need to be used nationally.

Both trainers and trainees will be selected with a fair procedure that will be established by the partners in WP3.

Farmers, foresters, professional will be able to follow only the modules they are interested in. The people interested in the initial vocational training have to follow all the modules defined in the curricula they are following so as to get accreditation at national and EU level.

The content providers (GAIA, FENACORE, ACTIA, AERES, UNITO, INFOR, EFB, UCLM, CEPI, UHOH, CERTH, PA, ICOS, AP, LVA, CONFAGRI) will provide support on technical issues related to the content during the activities of WP4.

12 teachers will follow the trainer’s toolkit while 70 learners will follow the training. The trainers are first trained and then teach the modules to the trainees.

Seven different pilots will be conducted in the project, based also on the national roadmaps and action plans:
1. Spain: UCLM
2. France: AC3A
3. Italy: INFOR
4. Austria: AP
5. the Netherlands: AERES
6. Finland: PA
7. Ireland: ICOS

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: