WP6 - Quality assurance


Activity title: 

WP6 - Quality assurance

Activity description: 

This Work Package lead by CERTH aims to ensure the quality of the outputs of the project, be it the skills profiles, trend scenarios, job description, curricula, training material, the in-class training pilots, the strategy or the roadmaps. Within the quality plan, a risk assessment and risk management plan will be made and will be followed during the project.
The Steering Committee will also act as a Quality Committee.
The external validation of the created content will be carried at specific moments during the development of the project. In addition external high profiles experts, reunited in an Advisory Board will give the partners their feedback yearly on the project strategies, curricula and training content and activities.
As part of the quality assessment, Task 6.4 is dedicated to get the ECVET accreditation of some of FIELDS’s initial training.

End date: 

Sunday, 31 December, 2023

Partner responsible: 

Partners involved: