Short name: 

Long name: 

Spanish Federation about Food and Drink Federation



The Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation – FIAB ( was created in 1977 to represent – through one organization with a single voice– the Spanish food and drinks industry, the foremost industrial sector of the country and even international. At present, it encompasses 47 associations. Its main activity is informing the sector of developments that might affect their performance and representing their interests before different administrations and decision-making bodies at national, European and international level. FIAB Innovation and Technology Department is an interface between the companies and research bodies. It helps in the management of R+D+I projects submitted by companies in the sector to the administration and management of grants or other types of assistance related to these issues. It helps in the implementation of European Projects seeking national and community partners needed get a consortium. The aim in these projects has been transfer technology, dissemination and capitalization of the projects.

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