Partner responsible: 

Organisation Name: 

Uddannelsescenter Holstebro

Organisation short name: 


Stakeholder type: 

Organisation description: 

At the Education Center Holstebro, we offer two upper secondary education and 3 areas of vocational education, where you can take both the EDD and EUX + 10th grade as the start of your secondary education.We are affiliated with a school home and it is possible to combine your education with your sport in collaboration with both Holstebro Elitesport and TEAM DENMARK.In the Course Center, we work closely with a number of the area's companies on education and skills development. This means that our courses and education are up to date and close to the practices of corporate daily life. Read more by moving around the website - great pleasure.


Døesvej 70-76 7500 Holstebro

